Tuesday, February 13, 2007

R2D2 gets the shaft

When we last left our new roaster, I was needing to extend the turning shaft and make a stirring rod. Fumbling around my workshop and the local h/w store, I think I've come up with something,

I used a brass tube cut to 4 or 5 inches (there's a quarter in the pic for perspective.) Used a file to notch the bottom so that it'll fit over the stirrer in the BM. The stirring rods will be copper wire, which will let me bend them to suit my needs.

Here's how it will fit. The SS bowl will cover all this eventually. I'm going to use a high temp glue to secure the shaft extender.

I'll also put a potentiometer on the switch for the stirrer since it's a bit too fast. Perhaps also one on the heater (or maybe just an on/off switch.)

Going out of town for a few days, so this will have to wait a bit. Not too long, I hope, since my stir crazy's plastic shaft just broke!

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